Whether in the home office or in the office. Many people spend too much time at their desks and wonder how they can do something for their health during work breaks. If you, too, are wondering what fitness exercises are suitable for the office, then you should take a look at our suggestions.
Squats are also great to incorporate into your workout at the office. Stand up straight and make sure you are far enough away from your desk and other distracting objects. Your feet should be stable on level ground and about shoulder width apart. Tighten your abdomen and keep your back straight. Now get into a deep sitting position with your arms spread forward so that your thighs are parallel to each other. You should now clearly feel the tension in your leg and buttock muscles.
Make sure you do not accidentally push your knees forward, but maintain a clean posture. Only your buttocks should move backward during the exercise. The knees should not point inward, but rather outward. The movement would otherwise strain your joints. Now straighten up again and repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times. You will see that you can integrate an intensive training unit into your daily office routine, which will make you sweat a lot, especially in the beginning.
An easily transportable mini-bike can be stored under your desk. When training with a mini-bike, you should make sure that you replace your office chair with a chair with fixed legs, otherwise you will constantly slip out of the correct training position. Alternatively, you can buy an office chair with a brake function. Even though cycling with a desk bike will hardly get you out of breath at low intensity, the training is worth it. By staying in the office for long periods of time, the workout can be spread out over several hours, generating a considerable amount of calories burned.
Some of these machines can even be used as arm trainers due to their compact design. Simply place the device on your desk and perform the movement with your arms. This way you can achieve an effective arm and shoulder workout. The investment in a desk bike can therefore pay off.
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Whether in the home office or in the office. Many people spend too much…
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